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Cross-linking is a therapeutic approach used to treat Keratoconus, a condition characterized by weakened corneal collagen. This procedure involves the creation of new molecular bonds within the cornea to strengthen its structure. It utilizes a combination of vitamin B6 and UV light to induce collagen cross-linking and halt the progression of Keratoconus. Bogota Laser is proud to be the sole ophthalmic center in Latin America equipped with the accelerated Cross-linking system from AVEDRO, which offers several advantages over the traditional system.
Next day
Work incapacity:
5 days
Effective in
halting the progression of Keratoconus.
Safe technique.
Increases corneal
Reduces treatment
time from 1 hour to
10 minutes.
- Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) solution drops are applied to the cornea.
- Subsequently, the cornea is exposed to UV rays to facilitate the activation of the vitamin.
- This combination of drops and UV light works to reinforce the corneal collagen fibers, effectively halting the progression of Keratoconus.

1 day

8 days

and Sauna:
8 days

1 day

10 days

8 days

by the specialist