Clínica oftalmológica | Bogotá Láser > EN > Consultation for ophthalmological assessment

Consultation for ophthalmological assessment

If you are experiencing any issues with your vision or have aesthetic concerns related to your eyes, you can schedule an appointment with our specialists at Bogota Laser Ocular Surgery Center. We provide a range of ophthalmological consultations that are tailored to meet your specific needs.

Anterior segment consultation (cornea and crystalline lens)

This consultation focuses on evaluating treatment alternatives for the cornea and crystalline lens, which include:
  • Visual defects  such as astigmatism, hyperopia, myopia, keratoconus, and presbyopia.
  • Cataract.
  • Corneal opacity.
  • Pterygium.
  • Keratitis.
  • Corneal infections.
The anterior segment refers to the front part of the eye, whose main function is to focus the incoming light rays onto the retina. It encompasses the most superficial and transparent part of the eye, the cornea, to the crystalline lens, the natural lens that helps us focus on objects.

Cataract consultation

This specialized consultation focuses on evaluating the need for surgery after the appearance of cataracts. During the consultation, the patient's specific case is assessed, followed by an analysis of various tests and exams to determine the type of lens implantation required. The examinations performed include Biometry exams for intraocular lens calculation, ORA, and VERION for adjusted lens calculation, Topography using Pentacam or Sirius, Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT), and endothelial cell count. Based on the results, the appropriate lens type is determined, such as Monofocal, Toric Monofocal, Multifocal, Toric Multifocal, Extended Range (EDOF), or Toric Extended Range (EDOF).

The cornea consultation also addresses other conditions related to the cornea, including corneal infections and visual defects such as astigmatism, hyperopia, myopia, corneal opacity, keratitis, or dry eye.

Refractive surgery consultation

This consultation, which is part of the cornea consultation (anterior segment), focuses specifically on evaluating alternative treatments to correct refractive problems. It addresses issues such as astigmatism, hyperopia, myopia, keratoconus, or presbyopia.

Retina and vitreous consultation

The retina and vitreous consultation specializes in diagnosing and managing various diseases that affect the retina and vitreous. It covers conditions such as retinal detachment, diabetic retinopathy, ocular trauma, macular hole, epiretinal membrane, and age-related macular degeneration.

Oculoplasty consultation

The oculoplasty consultation specializes in studying and managing issues related to the orbit, eyelids, and tear ducts. It also assesses the need for eyelid surgery, which can serve functional purposes (when drooping eyelids obstruct the visual field) or aesthetic purposes (to remove excess skin on the upper and lower eyelids or fat bags). This specialty addresses conditions such as eyelid disorders, orbital problems, tear duct issues, and blepharitis. Surgical procedures performed in this area include blepharoplasty, ptosis correction, tumor resection, ectropion or entropion correction, enucleations, and eviscerations.

Dry eye consultation

This consultation, which is part of the anterior segment consultation, focuses specifically on analyzing symptoms and causes of dry eye pathology. A dry eye can result from various factors, both external (humidity, climate) and internal (gland dysfunction, blepharitis, demodex). During this consultation, a thorough analysis of the ocular surface is conducted using tests such as the Schirmer test and Keratograph. These tests measure tear film, NITBUT (Non-Invasive Tear Break-Up Time), tear meniscus height, meibography, and OSDI (Ocular Surface Disease Index) test.

Pediatric ophthalmology consultation

This specialty is dedicated to addressing cases related to strabismus and pediatric ophthalmology. It provides comprehensive care for young patients, ranging from premature and newborn babies to children up to 11 years and 11 months, ensuring their visual health and well-being.

Glaucoma ophthalmology consultation

The glaucoma ophthalmology consultation focuses on evaluating symptoms and conducting diagnostic tests to determine if a patient has glaucoma. Glaucoma is typically characterized by high intraocular pressure (IOP), which can only be detected through specialized ophthalmological consultation. Glaucoma silently affects the optic nerve and can lead to complete vision loss if left untreated. There are different types of glaucoma and various treatment options, ranging from pharmacological to surgical interventions. Comprehensive diagnosis often requires additional tests such as visual field testing, optic nerve OCT (Optical Coherence Tomography), and angle OCT.

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